Kate Hershkowitz of Rumson may only be 12 but her compassion for others goes far beyond her years. Several years ago Kate decided that she wanted to help those in need and she coordinated that idea with the celebration of her birthday. “Three years ago, my mom and I were discussing my birthday. I really didn’t want anything in particular. My mom suggested that maybe we could raise money and make a donation to a specific charity or an organization,” explained Kate. “I decided that I wanted to collect something other than money so I asked my friends for food donations so that I could donate them to Lunch Break.”

In three years, Kate has collected more than 400 pounds of food donations for Lunch Break. “The first year that I donated, my friends thought it was different, interesting and a nice gesture.  However, when I did it the following year, they were all excited and wanted to help me raise more than I had the previous year.  This past year, my friends really went crazy trying to surpass what I raised the second year.  It has now become a ‘thing.’ My brother, Matthew, and sister, Ellie, think I am crazy to give up my birthday gifts, but the rest of my family is extremely proud of me, especially my grandmother.”

Kate’s mother, Marybeth, shared how proud she is of her daughter. “At first I was humbled and truly touched that Kate would want to forego receiving birthday presents and collect donations instead.  However, when I truly thought about it, I was not surprised. Kate is special and unique. She has a zest for life that is unparalleled by anyone I have ever met. She truly finds joy in the simplest things.  She has a special spirit about her that you realize once you get to know her.  I was recently telling someone about this article and they said simply, ‘to know Kate is to love Kate.’  Trust me, her siblings agree that there is just something about her that sets her apart.”

Patricia Micale of Holmdel, Kate’s maternal grandmother, is equally impressed with her. “Kate has always been a very thoughtful, caring, and kind girl. She truly cares about other people’s feelings and acts on it.  Kate always has a sparkle in her eye and a big smile on her face.  She’s a lot of fun to be around! I love her very much and am very proud of her.”

Kate is a seventh grader at Forrestdale School in Rumson. Her favorite subject is science and she enjoys hanging out with her friends, her dog Henry, skiing and playing tennis. Kate has also been a part of the Ocean Township United Soccer Association (OTUSA) for six years, where she plays soccer for the Ocean Outlaws.

The food donations Kate collects each year are taken to Lunch Break in Red Bank. “Although I do not get to personally give the food to the people, I do volunteer there on occasion and I know that the recipients are extremely grateful for what they receive. I feel very fortunate and honored to be able to help people who are in need.  I also think it is very important to raise awareness for the need of donations so close to my home. I want people to know that I will continue with this tradition and in the future encourage other people, besides just my friends and family to donate towards my contributions.  My goal is to donate over 500 pounds of food next year.”

The compassion, understanding and generosity that this preteen has at the age of 12 combined with her determination to continue helping her community is not only commendable but a shining example to follow.

Home/Rumson/Giving Back: Kate Hershkowitz Celebrates Birthday in a Unique Way

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